Solid Wood Bench

The Solid Wood Bench is Sold Out on the Joss & Main website. The brand name is Joss and Main and its model number is J001120978.

Solid Wood Bench

Place this Aleck Mango Wood Bench in the entranceway or at the end of a bed for a convenient place to sit while putting shoes on. It also doubles as extra seating for large gatherings. Place around the table when trying to fit a few extra people and then when everyone moves to another room, take it along for extra seating there also.

Product Details
Solid Wood Bench
Category Bedroom
Subcategory Benches
Brand Joss and Main
Sku J001120978
Order Time
Updated 2022-02-28 07:36:55
Retail Price $875.00
Availability Sold Out


Place this Aleck Mango Wood Bench in the entranceway or at the end of a bed for a convenient place to sit while putting shoes on. It also doubles as extra seating for large gatherings. Place around the table when trying to fit a few extra people and then when everyone moves to another room, take it along for extra seating there also.

Joss and Main

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